
Redesigned a brain health app's home screen.

Redesigned a brain health app's home screen.

Redesigned a brain health app's home screen.


Five Lives is a Digital Therapeutics start-up developing a brain health mobile app to help everyone measure and reduce their risk of dementia through an improved lifestyle.

I worked with two fellow designers, one PM and the CEO reimagining the user experience and redesigning the UI of the app’s homepage.


Five Lives


UI/UX Designer




May 22 - Dec 22

What I Did

UX Design, UI Designer, Visual identity


The problem

Users don’t discover our features like the cognitive tests, or don’t take full advantage of existing features that let them improve their lifestyle.

The challenge

3 key areas to focus on while keeping the home screen navigation easy and intuitive.

Personalised journey

Users are facing a lack of clarity on the home screen regarding where to start and what the next steps are.

Showcasing activites

The home screen feels empty and doesn't effectively showcase available activities to users, leaving them uncertain about what the app offers.

Pillar score

Users might not realize they can tap on pillar scores to access more details and identify areas for improvement.

Users often experience a sense of confusion upon reaching the home screen.

And the data supports this.

We used these data observations as design anchors during our explorations and the rest of the design process.


of the users tap on pillar score to see more details


of the users scroll to see the activities to complete

An opportunity

How might we enhance clarity on the home screen to guide users through the next steps and highlight available activities?

Performing better as a business

Besides looking into opportunities to improve the homepage for users, we also wanted to ensure that the redesign will help Five Lives perform better.

Drive more transactions

A unique home screen guides users on activities and motivates them to continue beyond the 7-day trial, encouraging them to sign up for a yearly subscription.

Data-driven decisions

A better structure so we can easily keep adding content and run A/B tests to provide valuable insights into user preferences, behaviors, and conversion rates.

Higher user retention

Drive higher engagement / retention (as measured by D1, D7 and D30 retention from completed assessment)

the solution

A daily challenge that will guide users in their journey and discover several activities
available in the app.

A daily challenge that will guide users in their journey and discover several activities available in the app.

Introducing Today’s challenge

Introducing Today’s challenge

The Today’s Challenge feature showcases daily activities for users, providing a personalized journey experience.

The Today’s Challenge feature showcases daily activities for users, providing a personalized journey experience.

The Today’s Challenge feature showcases daily activities for users, providing a
personalized journey experience.

The challenge was to find a logic for each day and when a users not fully complete it within 24h period.

The challenge was to find a logic for each day and when a users not fully complete it within 24h period.

The challenge was to find a logic for each day and when a users not fully complete it within 24h period.

Each daily challenge card could have 4 different status

Each daily challenge card could have 4 different status

Each daily challenge card could have 4 different status

Personalized activities from D0 to D3

Personalized activities from D0 to D3

D0 challenge




Lifestyle and the brain

Breathing exercise

D1 challenge

Lifestyle log






Brain games

D2 challenge

Lifestyle log



Lifestyle and the brain

Brain games

Breathing exercise


Relax with music

From D3 onwards

Lifestyle log



Lifestyle and the brain

Brain games


Breathing exercise


Relax with music

Exploring various concepts to assist users

We tested initial designs through user feedback and discussions with leadership and team members to develop a scalable solution. Leveraging the existing design system, we prioritized reusing components to streamline implementation.

In total, we explored over 10 design directions, some examples are outlined below.

Listing style

Cards style

Dashboard style

Task progression framework

Mix of cards + progression framework

Final information architecture (IA)

Here is the final Information Architecture of the Five Lives homepage.
It enhances understanding of available activities, offers essential information for exploring new content, and directs users on what steps to take next.

App flow reassessement : Refining feed placement and challenge logic

Before finalizing screen designs, the app's flow required a review, including modifying the current feed section, and establishing logic for users who don't complete today's challenge immediately.

Keeping the design system up-to-date

First time user experience & after 1st assessment completion

New users get the card to complete assessment first before unlocking other activities from the today’s challenge,

New users get the card to complete assessment first before unlocking other activities from the today’s challenge,

New users get the card to complete assessment first before
unlocking other activities from the today’s challenge,

Once users have completed their 1st assessment they unlock all activities to be completed for the today’s challenge. Pillars score of the 1st assessment are displayed on top of the screen. Users can tap on each of them to see pillar score details.

Once users have completed their 1st assessment they unlock all activities to be completed for the today’s challenge. Pillars score of the 1st assessment are displayed on top of the screen. Users can tap on each of them to see pillar score details.

Driving users downloading the app

Driving users downloading the app

Over two weeks, I revamped the homepage to provide users with more product and science information, aiming to drive app downloads, while also creating ads and small animated brain games.

What impact?

CMS containing 30+ articles

Product and science info

Landing page

Landing page

Google Ads

Social media teasers

Social media teasers



Home screen header unveiling next steps and scores

What pillar to focus on?

New tabs will allow users to view the score evolution by tapping on the chosen pillar

What are the next steps?

New cards with illustrations guiding users through the next steps


These cards appear based on the user experience status, whether they completed the 1st assessment or are engaging with today's challenge.

Encouraging users for improvement

Score evolution

Introducing activity tiles on the score evolution screen, guiding users on activities to improve their scores in relevant pillars.

Congratulations screen

A screen encouraging users and providing them a recap of their score.

Exploring activities and tracing historical progress

Tasks to complete

A new section in the home screen which displays all tasks users have to complete.

Activity history

Removal of the current feed - Replaced by an activity history screen accessible from the top-right icon.

Post activity screens

Upon completing a daily challenge, a new tile appears on the post-activity screen, allowing users to track their progress, especially when multiple activities are required to validate the challenge.

The Impact

With the results we got from the A/B test so far , we believe this redesign will substantially increase transactions and improve discovery metrics for the homepage. Moreover, the new pages reuse components across the whole app, reducing the cost of building and maintaining the pages for further iterations.

“Working in a team of 3 designers allowed me to better collaborate and brainstorm different ideas together to find the best solution”. I also gained proficiency in rapid iteration, utilizing existing components to streamline implementation."

“Working in a team of 3 designers allowed me to better collaborate and brainstorm different ideas together to find the best solution”. I also gained proficiency in rapid iteration, utilizing existing components to streamline implementation."

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Open to hybrid in Geneva, Switzerland | Full-Remote

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© Celine Perruchoud 2024.